Welcome to the Balance Mod! Note: Some stats may appear entirely differently when inspected in-game, or not display at all. Say /o in chat to see stats in-game If you want a searchable list of all the changed items, check the Update List scout primary secondary melee soldier primary secondary melee pyro primary secondary melee demoman primary secondary melee heavy primary secondary melee engineer primary secondary melee pda medic primary secondary melee sniper primary secondary melee spy secondary melee pda pda2 sapper primary New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! secondary New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! melee New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! pda New! New! pda2 New! New! New! sapper New! The Baby Face's Blaster On Hit: Builds Boost Run speed increased with Boost -34% clip size 20% slower move speed on wearer Boost drains gradually   Skate fast. Run faster. The Powerjack When weapon is active: +15% faster move speed on wearer +25 health restored on kill 20% damage vulnerability on wearer Scattergun Pistol Bat This weapon deploys 40% faster Rocket Launcher Shotgun Shovel Applies to stock melee weapon and its reskins for Soldier: This weapon deploys 40% faster -20% blast damage from rocket jumps The Force-A-Nature +50% faster firing speed Knockback on the target and shooter +20% bullets per shot -10% damage penalty -66% clip size   This weapon reloads its entire clip at once. The Shortstop +15% faster reload speed   Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once.   Mann Co.'s latest in high attitude break-action personal defense. The Soda Popper +50% faster firing speed 15% faster reload speed On Hit: Builds Hype -66% clip size   When Hype is full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps. This weapon reloads its entire clip at once. The Back Scatter Mini-crits targets when fired at their back from close range -34% clip size The Winger +15% damage bonus +25% greater jump height when active -60% clip size Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol When weapon is active: On Hit: Gain +4 health at shorter ranges, +3 health at longer ranges -25% clip size -15% damage penalty The Flying Guillotine Long distance hits reduce recharge time Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosives -40% slower recharge Skillshot! Bonk! Atomic Punch Drink to become invulnerable for 8 seconds. Cannot attack during this time. Damage absorbed will set marked-for-death on you when the effect ends. Crit-A-Cola While effect is active: each attack mini-crits and sets Mark-For-Death for 5 seconds. Mad Milk Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -20% -30% splash radius   Players heal 35% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk. Can be used to extinguish fires. Effect lasts 8 seconds. The Sandman Alt-Fire: Launches a ball! Damage increases the further the ball travels Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosives -35% melee damage penalty   Home frickin' run! Bonk! The Candy Cane On Kill: A small health pack is dropped -75% maximum overheal on wearer -50% ÜberCharge rate for Medics healing the player The Boston Basher On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot. The Sun-On-A-Stick 100% critical hit vs burning players +25% fire damage resistance while deployed -25% damage penalty to non-burning targets   Spiky end goes into the other man. The Fan O'War On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death for 10 seconds, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits This weapon deploys and holsters 40% faster -75% damage penalty   Winds of Gravel Pit Scout brings on his deadly fan! You are marked for death   It's snowing on Mount Fuji The Atomizer Grants Triple Jump while deployed Melee attacks mini-crit while airborne. -15% damage vs players The Wrap Assassin +25% increase in recharge rate Alt-Fire: Launches a festive ornament that shatters causing bleed -65% damage penalty -25% damage to ornament & bleed   These lovely festive ornaments are so beautifully crafted, your enemies are going to want to see them close up. Indulge them by batting those fragile glass bulbs into their eyes at 90 mph. The Direct Hit +25% damage bonus +80% projectile speed Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions, grapple hooks or rocket packs. -70% explosion radius The Black Box On Hit: Gain up to +20 health per attack -25% clip size The Rocket Jumper +200% max primary ammo on wearer No self inflicted blast damage taken -100% damage penalty Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK   A special rocket launcher for learning rocket jump tricks and patterns. This weapon deals ZERO damage. The Liberty Launcher +25% clip size +40% projectile speed -25% blast damage from rocket jumps -20% damage penalty The Cow Mangler 5000 Does not require ammo Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, sets them on fire and disables buildings for 4 sec No random critical hits Deal only 20% damage to buildings Minicrits whenever it would normally crit The Beggar's Bazooka Hold Fire to load up to three rockets Release Fire to unleash the barrage -20% explosion radius +3 degrees random projectile deviation Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire No ammo from dispensers when active The Air Strike -15% blast damage from rocket jumps Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping Clip size increased on kill -15% damage penalty -10% explosion radius The Reserve Shooter Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosives This weapon deploys 20% faster Airblasted targets takes reduced mini-crit damage (Pyro only) -20% damage to targets not launched airborne by explosives -34% clip size The Panic Attack +50% bullets per shot This weapon deploys 50% faster Fires a fixed shot pattern -20% damage penalty The Righteous Bison Does not require ammo Projectile penetrates enemy targets Projectile cannot be deflected +150% damage bonus +200% projectile speed 50% clip size This weapon deploys 30% faster Deals only 20% damage to buildings Minicrits whenever it would normally crit Targets cannot be hit multiple times by the same projectile The Buff Banner +40% max primary ammo on wearer +20% rage build rate   Provides an offensive buff that causes nearby team members to do mini-crits. Rage increases through damage done. The Battalion's Backup +20 max health on wearer   Provides a defensive buff that protects nearby team members from crits, incoming sentry damage by 50% and 35% from all other sources. Rage increases through damage done. The Concheror +4 health regenerated per second on wearer   Provides group speed buff with damage done giving health. Gain rage with damage. B.A.S.E. Jumper +10% faster parachute move speed > +25% more air control while deployed > While a Shield is Equipped: > Can jump while shield charging > +200% increase in turning control while charging > +15% faster move speed on wearer > +25% more air control while deployed >   Press 'JUMP' key in the air to deploy. Deployed Parachutes slow your descent. The Gunboats -60% blast damage from rocket jumps The Mantreads -75% reduction in push force taken from damage and airblasts Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on +20 bonus stomp damage 200% increased air control when blast jumping. +10% faster move speed on wearer The Equalizer When weapon is active: +60% increase in damage when health <50% of max -90% less healing from Medic sources The Pain Train +1 capture rate on wearer On miss while blast jumping: Get momentum boost 10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer On miss: Hit yourself idiot. -25% damage done The Half-Zatoichi This weapon has a large melee range and deploys slower Gain 50% of base health on kill Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills.   Soldiers and Demos Can duel with katanas For a one-hit kill The Disciplinary Action On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players' speed for several seconds -35% damage penalty On Hit Teammate: Drain max health slowly The Market Gardener Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping -30% damage penalty while wielder is not rocket jumping The Escape Plan When weapon is active: Move speed increases as the user becomes injured You are marked for death while active, and for 3 seconds after switching weapons -25% damage penalty -90% less healing from Medic sources Flamethrower Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health   Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects. Alt-Fire: Release and blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguish teammates that are on fire. The Backburner 100% critical hits from behind Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health +150% airblast cost   The flame particles were changed to make it visually different from other Flamethrowers; for better readability. The Degreaser This weapon deploys 30% faster This weapon gives 30% faster deploy and holster speeds to all equipped weapons Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health -66% afterburn damage penalty +25% airblast cost -25% damage penalty The Phlogistinator Build 'Mmmph' by dealing fire damage Alt-Fire on full 'Mmmph': Taunt to gain crit for several seconds. Invulnerable while 'Mmmph' taunting. No airblast -50% damage vs buildings   Being a revolutionary appliance capable of awakening the fire element phlogiston that exists in all combustible creatures, which is to say, all of them. The Dragon's Fury Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.   Primary Fire: Launches a fast moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies   Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles, and extinguishes teammates that are on fire. Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health +100% afterburn duration Deals 300% damage to burning players +50% repressurization rate on hit 50% weaker airblast push force   This powerful, single-shot flamethrower rewards consecutive hits with faster reloads and bonus damage. The Flare Gun 100% critical hit vs burning players   This weapon will reload when not active The Scorch Shot 100% mini-crits vs burning players Flare knocks back target on hit and explodes when it hits the ground. Increased knockback on burning players -35% self damage force -35% damage penalty -33% explosion radius -25% afterburn damage   This weapon will reload when not active Detonator 100% mini-crits vs burning players -25% damage penalty -25% afterburn damage   Alt-Fire: Detonate flare. This weapon will reload automatically when not active. The Manmelter +10 damage bonus on normal and crit shots 50% faster projectile speed Does not require ammo Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gain guaranteed critical hits Extinguishing teammates restores 30 health -20% afterburn duration No random critical hits   This weapon will reload automatically when not active.   Being a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged 'just so', and not, for example, across a square-mile radius. The Thermal Thruster Push enemies back when you land (force and radius based on velocity) No holster penalty Stomps deal 20 additional damage   Death from above! Fires a short-duration blast that launches the Pyro in the direction they are aiming. Deal 3x falling damage to anyone you land on! The Gas Passer Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time Ignited enemies explode! Dealing 45 initial damage Gas meter starts empty and is not affected by spawning, resupply, or its own damage -70% afterburn duration -30% splash radius   Creates a horrific visible gas that coats enemies with a flammable material (for 8 seconds), which then ignites into afterburn if they take damage (even enemy Pyros!). Projectile throwing speed is the same as Jarate and Mad Milk. Fire Axe Applies to stock melee weapon and its reskins for Pyro: +20% max ammo on primary weapon +15% faster swing speed The Axtinguisher Mini-crits burning targets and extinguishes them. Damage increases based on remaining duration of afterburn Killing blows on burning players grant a speed boost. The Homewrecker While Active +100% damage vs buildings and sappers Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses +20% bullet resistance -40% reduction in push force taken from damage -25% damage vs players The Back Scratcher +35% damage bonus +50% health from packs on wearer -75% health from healers on wearer   Health packs provide up to 25% overheal when collected with the weapon active The Sharpened Volcano Fragment On Hit: Target is engulfed in flames Mini-crits burning targets and creates an explosion dealing 35 damage and sets surrounding targets on fire for 3 seconds Spawns 3 dragon's fury projectile in the direction the user is looking on burning targets -85% damage penalty vs non-burning targets   Improves upon Mother Nature's original design for volcanos by increasing portability. Modern science is unable to explain exactly where the lava is coming from. Explosion deals 45 damage and sets surrounding targets on fire for 3 seconds The Third Degree All players connected via Medi Gun beams are hit and take mini-crits +75% more healing from healbeams while active +10% damage vulnerability on wearer while active   Being a boon to tree-fellers, backwoodsmen and atom-splitters the world over, this miraculous matter-hewing device burns each individual molecule as it cleaves it. The Neon Annihilator Damage removes sappers 100% critical hit vs wet players On Kill: 5 seconds of 100% mini-critical chance -10% slower swing speed   Being covered in gas now counts as being wet The Hot Hand Gain a 3 second speed boost when you hit an enemy or team player Extinguishes teammates on hit restoring 20 health This weapon deploys 50% faster -20% damage penalty   This melee slap tells your opponent, and anyone watching the kill feed, that your hand just gave some lucky face the gift of slapping it stupid. Grenade Launcher The Iron Bomber Grenades have very little bounce and roll -30% fuse time on grenades -15% explosion radius -10% splash damage falloff The Loch-n-Load +20% damage vs buildings +25% projectile speed -25% clip size -25% explosion radius Launched bombs shatter on surfaces The Loose Cannon Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down the fire key. +20% projectile speed Cannonballs push players back on impact Cannonballs do not explode on impact   Double Donk! Bomb explosions after a cannon ball impact will deal mini-crits to impact victims The Bootlegger +25 max health on wearer +200% increase in turning control while charging +10% faster move speed on wearer (shield required) Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter Wearer never takes fall damage +60% max secondary ammo on wearer +30% damage resistance against sentryguns   Amaze your friends! Impress women! Walk with a limp for life! It's grotesque! Stickybomb Launcher   Alt-Fire: Detonate all Stickybombs The Scottish Resistance +25% faster firing speed 10% faster reload time +50% max secondary ammo on wearer +6 max pipebombs out Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair and directly under your feet Able to destroy enemy stickybombs 0.8 sec slower bomb arm time The Quickiebomb Launcher Able to destroy enemy stickybombs -0.2 sec faster bomb arm time Max charge time decreased by 70% Up to +35% damage based on charge -15% blast damage from sticky jumps -15% damage penalty -50% clip size The Sticky Jumper +200% max secondary ammo on wearer No self inflicted blast damage taken -100% damage penalty No random critical hits -6 max stickybombs out Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK   A special no-damage stickybomb launcher for learning stickybomb jump tricks and patterns. The Chargin' Targe +30% fire, explosive and sentry damage resistance on wearer +20% increase in charge recharge rate -50% blast damage to self Melee swings now deal mini-crit damage early in the charge   Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at a distance. The Splendid Screen +20% fire and explosive resistance on wearer +70% increase in charge impact damage +50% increase in charge recharge rate -40% blast damage to self Melee swings now deal mini-crit damage early in the charge   Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy. The Tide Turner +15% fire and explosive damage resistance on wearer Full turning control while charging Melee kills refill 75% of your charge meter. -30% blast damage to self Melee swings now deal mini-crit damage early in the charge Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time   Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a mini-crit melee strike after impacting an enemy at a distance. Bottle The Ullapool Caber This weapon has increased melee range +15% melee damage bonus 20% slower firing speed This weapon deploys 75% slower +30% damage to self -40% shield bash damage penalty   High-yield Scottish face removal. A sober person would throw it...   The first hit will cause an explosion The Eyelander This weapon has a large melee range and deploys slower No random critical hits -25 max health on wearer Taking heads no longe increases shield bash damage   Gives increased speed and health with every head you take.   At head cap, Demoman moves as fast as a Hot Hand Pyro without Booties and faster than max Escape Plan with Booties. The Scotsman's Skullcutter This weapon has a large melee range and deploys slower When weapon is active: +20% damage bonus 10% slower move speed on wearer The Claidheamh Mòr This weapon has a large melee range and deploys slower 0.5 sec increase in charge duration Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter +25% increase in self push force No random critical hits -15 max HP on wearer The Persian Persuader This weapon has a large melee range and deploys slower Ammo boxes collected give Charge Melee hits refill 25% of your charge meter. On Hit: +25% faster reload for 10 seconds -10 max health on wearer No random critical hits Minigun The Natascha Gain a speed boost on hit +5% faster move speed while deployed -25% damage penalty The Brass Beast +20% damage bonus While spun up: +12% critical resistance 40% slower spin up time -40% slower move speed while deployed Tomislav +20% faster spin up time 25% more accurate Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound -25% slower firing speed The Huo-Long Heater Creates a ring of flames while spun up Mini-crits burning targets -10% damage penalty Consumes an additional 4 ammo per second while spun up   The Ring of Fire lights opponents ablaze for 30 fire damage The Family Business +33% clip size +15% faster firing speed -15% damage penalty The Sandvich   Eat to regain up to 300 health. Alt-Fire: Share a Sandvich with a friend (Medium Health Kit) The Dalokohs Bar Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds +40% eating speed   Eat to regain up to 100 health. Alt-Fire: Share chocolate with a friend (Small Health Kit) The Buffalo Steak Sandvich After consuming, move speed is increased, attacks mini-crit, and the player may only use melee weapons. Lasts 16 seconds. Alt-Fire: Share with a friend (Medium Health Kit) 100% faster eating speed Cancel the effects with reload or special attack key Manually canceling the effects removes 1/3 of total health and sets marked for death for 2 seconds.   Who needs bread? The Second Banana +50% increase in charge recharge rate -33% healing effect   Eat to gain health Alt-Fire: Share banana with a friend (Small Health Kit) Fists Applies to stock melee weapon and its reskins for Heavy: This weapon gives 25% faster holster and deploy speed to all equipped weapons This weapon gives 20% faster reload time to all shotguns Increased launch power on thrown lunchbox items The Killing Gloves of Boxing On Kill: 6 seconds of 100% critical chance -20% slower firing speed Gloves of Running Urgently +30% faster move speed on wearer 20% slower firing speed Maximum health is drained while item is active The Warrior's Spirit +30% damage done On kill: 50 health restored This weapon deploys 20% slower The Fists of Steel When weapon is active: -40% damage from ranged sources +100% damage from melee sources -70% health from healers -50% ÜberCharge rate for Medics healing the player This weapon deploys 60% slower -30% slower firing speed The Eviction Notice On Hit: Gain a speed boost for 5 seconds On Deploy: 1 second speed boost +15% faster move speed on wearer Maximum health is returned at double rate while item is not active -60% damage penalty On Deploy: Speed boost has 5 second cooldown Maximum health is drained while item is active The Holiday Punch Critical hit forces victim to laugh Always critical hit from behind On Hit: Forces enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item +25% Faster firing speed Third succesful punch in a row always crits. Critical hits do no damage -35% damage done Frontier Justice Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and 1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed. -50% clip size No random critical hits Revenge crits are lost on death The Widowmaker On Hit: Damage dealt is returned as ammo No reload necessary 10% increased damage to your sentry's target Per Shot: -30 ammo Uses metal for ammo The Pomson 6000 Using Righteous Bison stats as a base: +150% damage bonus +200% projectile speed +50% clip size Does not require ammo Projectile cannot be deflected Projectile penetrates enemy targets This weapon deploys 30% faster Deals only 20% damage to buildings Minicrits whenever it would normally crit   Being an innovative hand-held irradiating utensil capable of producing rapid pulses of high-amplitude radiation in sufficient quantity as to immolate, maim and otherwise incapacitate the Irish. The Rescue Ranger Alt-Fire: Use 100 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings -34% clip size -50% max primary ammo on wearer Self mark for death when hauling buildings 4-to-1 health-to-metal ratio when repairing buildings The Wrangler   Take manual control of your Sentry Gun. Wrangled sentries gain a shield that reduces damage by 50% and repairs by 66%. Sentries are disabled for 3 seconds after becoming unwrangled. Short Circuit Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 65 metal. No reload necessary -75% metal from payload carts on wearer No random critical hits Per Shot: -5 ammo Uses metal for ammo Wrench +25% more metal capacity   Upgrades, repairs and speeds up construction of friendly buildings on hit. The Gunslinger +25 max health on wearer Sentry build speed increased by 150% Third succesful punch in a row always crits. No random critical hits Replaces the Sentry witth a Mini-Sentry The Southern Hospitality On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds +300% dispenser range Phase through your sentry and dispenser No random critical hits 20% fire damage vulnerability on wearer 20% slower building upgrade rate Dispenser is destroyed when switching wrench   Dispensers come pre-installed with the state-of-the-art Mann Co. satellite dish! Beam health and ammo to teammates at unprecented distances with only minor RF exposure sickness! Dispenser gets destroyed when switching to or off this weapon The Jag Construction hit speed boost increased by 30% +15% faster firing speed 40% slower repair rate -25% damage penalty -33% damage penalty vs buildings The Eureka Effect Press your reload key to choose to teleport to spawn or your exit teleporter Teleporting to spawn makes you resupply automatically Dispenser and teleporter build speed increased Construction hit speed boost decreased by 50% 20% less metal from pickups and dispensers   Being a tool that eliminates exertion by harnessing the electrical discharges of thunder-storms for the vigorous coercion of bolts, nuts, pipes and similar into their rightful places. May also be used to bludgeon. PDA Teleporters cost 25 metal to build and 100 metal to upgrade per level. Pressing +ATTACK3 toggles the ability to place Engi-Pads instead of teleporters. Default Engi-Pad is a Speed Pad. Rotating the blueprint allows the player to build a Jump Pad and vice versa. +80% faster dispenser and teleporter build speed (matches sentry build speed) Engi-Pads have 50% the health of a Level 3 building (90 health). Syringe Gun Per 40 damage dealt to players: Gain +15% ubercharge   This weapon will reload automatically when not active. The Blutsauger On Hit: Gain up to +3 health Health gained from needles can overheal On Hit Teammate: Gain +2 health for you and your target (overheals)   This weapon will reload automatically when not active. Crusader's Crossbow No headshots -20% damage & healing penalty -75% max primary ammo on wearer   Fires special bolts that heal teammates and deals damage based on distance traveled This weapon will reload automatically when not active The Overdose When weapon is active: +5% faster move speed This weapon holsters +45% faster -15% damage penalty   Movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +10% from the base +10% at no ÜberCharge. This weapon will reload automatically when not active. Medi Gun The Kritzkrieg ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance +25% ÜberCharge rate The Quick-Fix ÜberCharge increases healing by 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects +50% heal rate +15% ÜberCharge rate 50% max overheal   Mirror blast jumps and shield charges of patients. The Vaccinator +67% ÜberCharge rate Press your reload key to cycle through resist types. While healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type. -33% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients -40% Overheal build rate.   ÜberCharge provides a 2.5 second resistance bubble that blocks 75% base damage and 100% crit damage of the selected type to the Medic and Patient. Holds 2 charges. Bonesaw Applies to stock melee weapon and its reskins for Medic: On Hit: Bleed for 4 seconds On Kill: A small health pack is dropped The Ubersaw On Hit: 25% ÜberCharge added 20% slower firing speed The Vita-Saw Melee Crossbow On Hit Teammate: Heals teammate for +40 HP On Hit Teammate: Gain 1% ubercharge On Hit Teammate: Clears fire, jarate, mad milk and gas passer effects +70% longer melee range This weapon deploys 25% faster -50% damage penalty -25% slower firing speed   Crit-Heals will heal an additonal 25 HP The Amputator When weapon is active: +3 health regenerated per second on wearer Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates -20% damage penalty   Alt-Fire taunt can be canceled by jumping or taunting The Solemn Vow +25% health from packs on wearer +50% more knockback from damage when active 10% slower firing speed   'Do no harm.' Sniper Rifle Applies to all primary weapons excluding bows: -47% max primary ammo on wearer Fires Classic-tracer rounds   All Rifles only have 13 bullets in reserve before needing a refill. The Huntsman The Sydney Sleeper On Scoped Hit: Apply Jarate for 2 to 5 seconds based on charge level. Nature's Call: Scoped headshots always mini-crit and reduce the remaining cooldown of Jarate by 1 second. -10% charge rate No random critical hits -33% damage bonus on scoped headshot -47% max primary ammo on wearer Fires Classic-tracer rounds   Quickscope headshots deal 91 damage as opposed to 68. Fully charged headshots deal 300 damage instead of 203. Base damage is now 45 to 150 instead of 50 to 150. The Bazaar Bargain Base charge rate decreased by 50% -47% max primary ammo on wearer Fires Classic-tracer rounds   Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%.   All Rifles only have 13 bullets in reserve before needing a refill. The Machina On 50% or more Charge: +15% headshot damage per shot On Full Charge: Projectiles penetrate players +15% damage bonus to buildings Cannot fire unless zoomed Fires tracer rounds -47% max primary ammo on wearer   All Rifles only have 13 bullets in reserve before needing a refill. The Hitman's Heatmaker Gain Focus on kills and assists Press 'Reload' to activate focus In Focus: +25% faster charge and no unscoping -20% damage on body shot -47% max primary ammo on wearer   Heads will roll.   All Rifles only have 13 bullets in reserve before needing a refill. The Classic Charge and fire shots independent of zoom No headshots when not fully charged -47% max primary ammo on wearer   All Rifles only have 13 bullets in reserve before needing a refill. SMG The Cleaner's Carbine Dealing damage fills charge meter. Secondary fire when charged grants mini-crits for 8 seconds. 20% more accurate -20% clip size -20% max secondary ammo on wearer -20% slower firing speed No random critical hits +30% more damage required to fill meter Jarate Coated enemies take mini-crits Can be used to extinguish fires Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -20% Piss yourself in Jarate if thrown too close -30% splash radius   Effect lasts 8 seconds. The Razorback Blocks a single backstab attempt +20% increase in shield recharge rate +25% faster move speed while scoped -75% maximum overheal on wearer -50% ÜberCharge rate for Medics healing the player   Max Overheal caps at 140 health. Shield recharges in 24 seconds. Darwin's Danger Shield +15 max health on wearer Immune to the effects of afterburn (now behaves like Pyro's fire immunity). The Cozy Camper +4 health regenerated per second on wearer No flinching when aiming and fully charged Knockback reduced by 20% when aiming Kukri The Tribalman's Shiv On Hit: Bleed for 6 seconds -50% damage penalty The Bushwacka When weapon is active: Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit This weapon deploys 15% slower -15% damage penalty +15% damage vulnerability on wearer No random critical hits The Shahanshah +40% increase in damage when health <50% of max -40% decrease in damage when health >50% of max Revolver The Ambassador Crits on headshot -15% damage penalty 20% slower firing speed No random critical hits Critical damage is affected by range L'Etranger +40% cloak duration +15 cloak on hit -20% damage penalty The Enforcer +25% damage bonus while disguised -0.2 second reduced cloak blink time when bumping in to enemies 20% slower firing speed No random critical hits   Razorbacks break after sustaining a single 40 damage shot The Diamondback Gives one guaranteed crit hit for each building destroyed with your sapper attached or backstab kill -20% damage penalty No random critical hits Critical damage is affected by range Knife   Attack an enemy from behind to Backstab them for a one hit kill. Your Eternal Reward Upon a successful backstab against a human target, you rapidly disguise as your victim Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs Normal disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter Conniver's Kunai On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim -55 max health on wearer   Start off with low health Kill somebody with this knife Steal all of their health The Big Earner +40% cloak on kill Gain a 4 second speed boost on kill -25 max health on wearer The Spy-cicle On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for 2 seconds, switches to primary weapon slot Backstab turns victim to ice Melts in fire, regenerates in 3 seconds and by picking up ammo   It's the perfect gift for the man who has everything: an icicle driven into their back. Even rich people can't buy that in stores. Disguise Kit Pressing +ATTACK3 allows Spy to 'Spy Sprint'. For the duration that +ATTACK3 is held, the Spy will run at normal move speed regardless of disguise. Reloading while disguised will trigger a fake reload animation Invis Watch -15% cloak fade time +15% jump height bonus while cloaked The Cloak and Dagger Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive Cloak drain rate based on movement speed. +100% cloak regen rate -15% cloak fade time +15% jump height bonus while cloaked No cloak meter from ammo boxes when invisible -35% cloak meter from ammo boxes The Dead Ringer Cloak Type: Feign Death Leave a fake corpse on taking damage and temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance +50% cloak regen rate +40% cloak duration -10% decloak fade time -50% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated Sapper   Place on enemy buildings to disable and slowly drain away its health. Placing a sapper does not remove your disguise. The Red-Tape Recorder Sapper Throw: Press your reload key to throw the sapper, disabling buildings in a radius. A thrown sapper needs to recharge before it can be used again. -80% sapper damage penalty -50% sapper health The Baby Face's Blaster (Old) On Hit: Builds Boost Run speed increased with Boost -34% clip size 10% slower move speed on wearer Boost reduced on air jumps Boost reduced when hit The Powerjack (Old) When weapon is active: +15% faster move speed on wearer +25 health restored on kill 20% damage vulnerability on wearer Scattergun (Old) Pistol (Old) Bat (Old) Rocket Launcher (Old) Shotgun (Old) Shovel (Old) The Force-A-Nature (Old) +50% faster firing speed Knockback on the target and shooter +20% bullets per shot -10% damage penalty -66% clip size   This weapon reloads its entire clip at once. The Shortstop (Old) When weapon is active: Increase in push force taken from damage and airblast   Holds a 4-shot clip and reloads its entire clip at once. Alt-Fire to reach and shove someone!   Mann Co.'s latest in high attitude break-action personal defense. The Soda Popper (Old) +50% faster firing speed 25% faster reload time On Hit: Builds Hype -66% clip size   When Hype is full, Alt-Fire to activate Hype mode for multiple air jumps. This weapon reloads its entire clip at once. The Back Scatter (Old) Mini-crits targets when fired at their back from close range -34% clip size No random critical hits 20% less accurate The Winger (Old) +15% damage bonus +25% greater jump height when active -60% clip size Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol (Old) When weapon is active: +15% faster firing speed On Hit: Gain up to +3 health -25% clip size The Flying Guillotine (Old) Throw at your enemies to make them bleed! Long distance hits reduce recharge time No random critical hits Bonk! Atomic Punch (Old) Drink to become invulnerable for 8 seconds. Cannot attack during this time. Damage absorbed will slow you when the effect ends. Crit-A-Cola (Old) While effect is active: each attack mini-crits and sets Mark-For-Death for 5 seconds. Mad Milk (Old) Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -20%   Players heal 60% of the damage done to an enemy covered with milk. Can be used to extinguish fires. The Sandman (Old) Alt-Fire: Launches a ball that slows opponents -15 max health on wearer The Candy Cane (Old) On Kill: A small health pack is dropped 25% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer The Boston Basher (Old) On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds On Miss: Hit yourself. Idiot. The Sun-On-A-Stick (Old) 100% critical hit vs burning players +25% fire damage resistance while deployed -25% damage penalty   Spiky end goes into the other man. The Fan O'War (Old) Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit On Hit: One target at a time is marked for death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits -75% damage penalty   Winds of Gravel Pit Scout brings on his deadly fan! You are marked for death The Atomizer (Old) Grants Triple Jump while deployed Melee attacks mini-crit while airborne. -15% damage vs players This weapon deploys 50% slower The Wrap Assassin (Old) +25% increase in recharge rate Alt-Fire: Launches a festive ornament that shatters causing bleed -65% damage penalty   These lovely festive ornaments are so beautifully crafted, your enemies are going to want to see them close up. Indulge them by batting those fragile glass bulbs into their eyes at 90 mph. The Direct Hit (Old) +25% damage bonus +80% projectile speed Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions, grapple hooks or rocket packs. -70% explosion radius The Black Box (Old) On Hit: Gain up to +20 health per attack -25% clip size The Rocket Jumper (Old) +200% max primary ammo on wearer No self inflicted blast damage taken -100% damage penalty No random critical hits Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK   A special rocket launcher for learning rocket jump tricks and patterns. This weapon deals ZERO damage. The Liberty Launcher (Old) +25% clip size +40% projectile speed -25% blast damage from rocket jumps -25% damage penalty The Cow Mangler 5000 (Old) Does not require ammo Alt-Fire: A charged shot that mini-crits players, sets them on fire and disables buildings for 4 sec No random critical hits Deal only 20% damage to buildings Minicrits whenever it would normally crit The Beggar's Bazooka (Old) Hold Fire to load up to three rockets Release Fire to unleash the barrage -20% explosion radius +3 degrees random projectile deviation Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire No ammo from dispensers when active The Air Strike (Old) -15% blast damage from rocket jumps Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping Clip size increased on kill -15% damage penalty -10% explosion radius The Reserve Shooter (Old) Mini-crits targets launched airborne by explosions, grapple hooks or rocket packs This weapon deploys 20% faster -34% clip size The Panic Attack (Old) +50% bullets per shot This weapon deploys 50% faster Fires a fixed shot pattern -20% damage penalty Successive shots become less accurate The Righteous Bison (Old) Does not require ammo Projectile penetrates enemy targets Projectile cannot be deflected Deals only 20% damage to buildings The Buff Banner (Old) Provides an offensive buff that causes nearby team members to do mini-crits. Rage increases through damage done. The Battalion's Backup (Old) +20 max health on wearer   Provides a defensive buff that protects nearby team members from crits, incoming sentry damage by 50% and 35% from all other sources. Rage increases through damage done. The Concheror (Old) +4 health regenerated per second on wearer   Provides group speed buff with damage done giving health. Gain rage with damage. B.A.S.E. Jumper (Old)   Press 'JUMP' key in the air to deploy. Deployed Parachutes slow your descent. The Gunboats (Old) -60% blast damage from rockets jumps The Mantreads (Old) -75% reduction in push force taken from damage Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on -75% reduction in airblast vulnerability 200% increased air control when blast jumping. The Equalizer (Old) When weapon is active: Damage increases as the user becomes injured -90% less healing from Medic sources The Pain Train (Old) +1 capture rate on wearer 10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer The Half-Zatoichi (Old) This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower Gain 50% of base health on kill No random critical hits Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills.   Soldiers and Demos Can duel with katanas For a one-hit kill The Disciplinary Action (Old) On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players' speed for several seconds -25% damage penalty The Market Gardener (Old) Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping 20% slower firing speed No random critical hits The Escape Plan (Old) When weapon is active: Move speed increases as the user becomes injured You are marked for death while active, and for a short period after switching weapons -90% less healing from Medic sources Flamethrower (Old) Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health   Afterburn reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects. Alt-Fire: Release and blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles and extinguish teammates that are on fire. The Backburner (Old) 100% critical hits from behind Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health +150% airblast cost The Degreaser (Old) This weapon deploys 60% faster This weapon holsters 30% faster Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health -66% afterburn damage penalty +25% airblast cost The Phlogistinator (Old) Build 'Mmmph' by dealing damage. Alt-Fire on full 'Mmmph': Taunt to gain crit for several seconds. Invulnerable while 'Mmmph' taunting. No random critical hits No airblast   Being a revolutionary appliance capable of awakening the fire element phlogiston that exists in all combustible creatures, which is to say, all of them. The Dragon's Fury (Old) Uses a shared pressure tank for Primary Fire and Alt-Fire.   Primary Fire: Launches a fast moving projectile that briefly ignites enemies   Alt-Fire: Release a blast of air that pushes enemies and projectiles, and extinguishes teammates that are on fire. Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health Deals 300% damage to burning players +50% repressurization rate on hit -50% repressurization rate on Alt-Fire   This powerful, single-shot flamethrower rewards consecutive hits with faster reloads and bonus damage. The Flare Gun (Old) 100% critical hit vs burning players   This weapon will reload when not active The Scorch Shot (Old) 100% mini-crits vs burning players Flare knocks back target on hit and explodes when it hits the ground. Increased knockback on burning players -35% self damage force -35% damage penalty   This weapon will reload when not active Detonator (Old) 100% mini-crits vs burning players -25% damage penalty +50% damage to self   Alt-Fire: Detonate flare. This weapon will reload automatically when not active. The Manmelter (Old) +50% projectile speed Does not require ammo Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gian guaranteed critical hits Extinguishing teammates restores 30 health No random critical hits   This weapon will reload automatically when not active.   Being a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged 'just so', and not, for example, across a square-mile radius. The Thermal Thruster (Old) Push enemies back when you land (force and radius based on velocity) HIDDEN: 0.8 second holster penalty that cannot be skipped HIDDEN: +30% increase in push force taken from damage while equipped   Death from above! Fires a short-duration blast that launches the Pyro in the direction they are aiming. Deal 3x falling damage to anyone you land on! The Gas Passer (Old) Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter Gas meter starts empty   Creates a horrific visible gas that coats enemies with a flammable material, which then ignites into afterburn if they take damage (even enemy Pyros!) Fire Axe (Old) The Axtinguisher (Old) Mini-crits burning targets and extinguishes them. Damage increases based on remaining duration of afterburn Killing blows on burning players grant a speed boost. -33% damage penalty No random critical hits This weapon holsters 35% slower The Homewrecker (Old) +100% damage vs buildings Damage removes Sappers -25% damage vs players The Back Scratcher (Old) +25% damage bonus +50% health from packs on wearer -75% health from healers on wearer The Sharpened Volcano Fragment (Old) On Hit: Target is engulfed in flames -20% damage penalty   Improves upon Mother Nature's original design for volcanos by increasing portability. Modern science is unable to explain exactly where the lava is coming from. The Third Degree (Old) All players connected via Medi Gun beams are hit   Being a boon to tree-fellers, backwoodsmen and atom-splitters the world over, this miraculous matter-hewing device burns each individual molecule as it cleaves it. The Neon Annihilator (Old) Damage removes sappers 100% critical hit vs wet players No random critical hits -20% damage penalty vs players The Hot Hand (Old) Gain a speed boost when you hit an enemy player -20% damage penalty   This melee slap tells you opponent, and anyone watching the kill feed, that your hand just gave some lucky face the gift of slapping it stupid. Grenade Launcher (Old) The Iron Bomber (Old) Grenades have very little bounce and roll -30% fuse time on grenades -15% explosion radius The Loch-n-Load (Old) +20% damage vs buildings +25% projectile speed -25% clip size -25% explosion radius Launched bombs shatter on surfaces The Loose Cannon (Old) Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down the fire key. +20% projectile speed Cannonballs push players back on impact Cannonballs do not explode on impact   Double Donk! Bomb explosions after a cannon ball impact will deal mini-crits to impact victims The Bootlegger (Old) +25 max health on wearer +200% increase in turning control while charging +10% faster move speed on wearer (shield required) Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter   Amaze your friends! Impress women! Walk with a limp for life! It's grotesque! Stickybomb Launcher (Old)   Alt-Fire: Detonate all Stickybombs The Scottish Resistance (Old) +25% faster firing speed +50% max secondary ammo on wearer +6 max pipebombs out Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair and directly under your feet Able to destroy enemy stickybombs 0.8 sec slower bomb arm time The Quickiebomb Launcher (Old) Able to destroy enemy stickybombs -0.2 sec faster bomb arm time Max charge time decreased by 70% Up to +35% damage based on charge -15% damage penalty -50% clip size The Sticky Jumper (Old) +200% max secondary ammo on wearer No self inflicted blast damage taken -100% damage penalty No random critical hits -6 max stickybombs out Wearer cannot carry the intelligence briefcase or PASS Time JACK   A special no-damage stickybomb launcher for learning stickybomb jump tricks and patterns. The Chargin' Targe (Old) +50% fire damage resistance on wearer +30% explosive damage resistance on wearer   Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy at a distance. The Splendid Screen (Old) +20% fire damage resistance on wearer +20% explosive damage resistance on wearer +70% increase in charge impact damage +50% increase in charge recharge rate   Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a critical melee strike after impacting an enemy. The Tide Turner (Old) +15% fire damage resistance on wearer +15% explosive damage resistance on wearer Full turning control while charging Melee kills refill 75% of your charge meter. Taking damage while shield charging reduces remaining charging time   Alt-Fire: Charge toward your enemies and remove debuffs. Gain a mini-crit melee strike after impacting an enemy at a distance. Bottle (Old) The Ullapool Caber (Old) 20% slower firing speed This weapon deploys 100% slower No random critical hits   High-yield Scottish face removal. A sober person would throw it...   The first hit will cause an explosion The Eyelander (Old) This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower No random critical hits -25 max health on wearer   Gives increased speed and health with every head you take. The Scotsman's Skullcutter (Old) This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower When weapon is active: +20% damage bonus 15% slower move speed on wearer The Claidheamh Mòr (Old) This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower When weapon is active: 0.5 sec increase in charge duration Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter No random critical hits 15% vulnerability on wearer The Persian Persuader (Old) This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower Ammo boxes collected give Charge Melee hits refill 20% of your charge meter. -80% max primary ammo on wearer -80% max secondary ammo on wearer No random critical hits Minigun (Old) The Natascha (Old) On Hit: 100% chance to slow target -20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up -25% damage penalty 30% slower spin up time The Brass Beast (Old) +20% damage bonus -20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up 50% slower spin up time -60% slower move speed while deployed Tomislav (Old) +20% faster spin up time 20% more accurate Silent Killer: No barrel spin sound -20% slower firing speed The Huo-Long Heater (Old) Creates a ring of flames while spun up 25% damage bonus vs burning players -10% damage penalty Consumes an additional 4 ammo per second while spun up The Family Business (Old) +33% clip size +15% faster firing speed -15% damage penalty The Sandvich (Old)   Eat to regain up to 300 health. Alt-Fire: Share a Sandvich with a friend (Medium Health Kit) The Dalokohs Bar (Old) Adds +50 max health for 30 seconds   Eat to regain up to 100 health. Alt-Fire: Share chocolate with a friend (Small Health Kit) The Buffalo Steak Sandvich (Old) After consuming, move speed is increased, attacks mini-crit, and the player may only use melee weapons. Lasts 16 seconds. Alt-Fire: Share with a friend (Medium Health Kit) HIDDEN: After consuming, the player gains 20% damage vulnerability   Who needs bread? The Second Banana (Old) +50% increase in charge recharge rate -33% healing effect   Eat to gain health Alt-Fire: Share banana with a friend (Small Health Kit) Fists (Old) The Killing Gloves of Boxing (Old) On Kill: 5 seconds of 100% critical chance -20% slower firing speed Gloves of Running Urgently (Old) +30% faster move speed on wearer This weapon holsters 50% slower Maximum health is drained while item is active The Warrior's Spirit (Old) When weapon is active: +30% damage bonus +50 health restored on kill 30% damage vulnerability on wearer The Fists of Steel (Old) -40% damage from ranged sources while active +100% damage from melee sources while active This weapon holsters 100% slower -40% maximum overheal on wearer -40% health from healers on wearer The Eviction Notice (Old) +40% faster firing speed On Hit: Gain a speed boost +15% faster move speed on wearer -60% damage penalty Maximum health is drained while item is active The Holiday Punch (Old) Critical hit forces victim to laugh Always critical hit from behind On Hit: Forces enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item Critical hits do no damage Frontier Justice (Old) Gain 2 revenge crits for each sentry kill and 1 for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed. -50% clip size No random critical hits Revenge crits are lost on death The Widowmaker (Old) On Hit: Damage dealt is returned as ammo No reload necessary 10% increased damage to your sentry's target Per Shot: -30 ammo Uses metal for ammo The Pomson 6000 (Old) Does not require ammo Projectile cannot be deflected On Hit: Victim loses up to 10% Medi Gun charge On Hit: Victim loses up to 20% cloak Deals only 20% damage to buildings   Being an innovative hand-held irradiating utensil capable of producing rapid pulses of high-amplitude radiation in sufficient quantity as to immolate, maim and otherwise incapacitate the Irish. The Rescue Ranger (Old) Alt-Fire: Use 100 metal to pick up your targeted building from long range Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings -34% clip size -50% max primary ammo on wearer Self mark for death when hauling buildings 4-to-1 health-to-metal ratio when repairing buildings The Wrangler (Old)   Take manual control of your Sentry Gun. Wrangled sentries gain a shield that reduces damage and repairs by 66%. Sentries are disabled for 3 seconds after becoming unwrangled. Short Circuit (Old) Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 65 metal. No reload necessary No random critical hits Per Shot: -5 ammo Uses metal for ammo Wrench (Old)   Upgrades, repairs and speeds up construction of friendly buildings on hit. The Gunslinger (Old) +25 max health on wearer Sentry build speed increased by 150% Third succesful punch in a row always crits. No random critical hits Replaces the Sentry witth a Mini-Sentry The Southern Hospitality (Old) On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds No random critical hits 20% fire damage vulnerability on wearer The Jag (Old) Construction hit speed boost increased by 30% +15% faster firing speed 20% slower repair rate -25% damage penalty -33% damage penalty vs buildings The Eureka Effect (Old) Press your reload key to choose to teleport to spawn or your exit teleporter -50% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters Construction hit speed boost decreased by 50% 20% less metal from pickups and dispensers   Being a tool that eliminates exertion by harnessing the electrical discharges of thunder-storms for the vigorous coercion of bolts, nuts, pipes and similar into their rightful places. May also be used to bludgeon. PDA (Old) Syringe Gun (Old) The Blutsauger (Old) On Hit: Gain up to +3 health -2 health drained per second on wearer Crusader's Crossbow (Old) No headshots -75% max primary ammo on wearer   Fires special bolts that heal teammates and deals damage based on distance traveled This weapon will reload automatically when not active The Overdose (Old) -15% damage penalty   While active, movement speed increases based on ÜberCharge percentage to a maximum of +20% Medi Gun (Old) The Kritzkrieg (Old) ÜberCharge grants 100% critical chance +25% ÜberCharge rate The Quick-Fix (Old) ÜberCharge increases healing by 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects +40% heal rate +10% ÜberCharge rate 50% max overheal   Mirror blast jumps and shield charges of patients. The Vaccinator (Old) +67% ÜberCharge rate Press your reload key to cycle through resist types. While healing, provides you and your target with a constant 10% resistance to the selected damage type. -33% ÜberCharge rate on Overhealed patients -66% Overheal build rate.   ÜberCharge provides a 2.5 second resistance bubble that blocks 75% base damage and 100% crit damage of the selected type to the Medic and Patient. Bonesaw (Old) The Ubersaw (Old) On Hit: 25% ÜberCharge added 20% slower firing speed The Vita-Saw (Old) Collect the organs of people you hit -10 max health   A percentage of your ÜberCharge level is retained on death, based on the number of organs harvested (15% per). Total ÜberCharge retained on spawn caps at 60%. The Amputator (Old) When weapon is active: +3 health regenerated per second on wearer Alt-Fire: Applies a healing effect to all nearby teammates -20% damage penalty The Solemn Vow (Old) Allows you to see enemy health 10% slower firing speed   'Do no harm.' Sniper Rifle (Old) The Huntsman (Old) The Sydney Sleeper (Old) +25% charge rate On Scoped Hit: Apply Jarate for 2 to 5 seconds based on charge level. Nature's Call: Scoped headshots always mini-crit and reduce the remaining cooldown of Jarate by 1 second. No random critical hits No headshots The Bazaar Bargain (Old) Base charge rate decreased by 50%   Each scoped headshot kill increases the weapon's charge rate by 25% up to 200%. The Machina (Old) On Full Charge: +15% damage per shot On Full Charge: Projectiles penetrate players Cannot fire unless zoomed Fires tracer rounds The Hitman's Heatmaker (Old) Gain Focus on kills and assists Press 'Reload' to activate focus In Focus: +25% faster charge and no unscoping -20% damage on body shot   Heads will roll. The Classic (Old) Charge and fire shots independent of zoom No headshots when not fully charged -10% damage on body shot SMG (Old) The Cleaner's Carbine (Old) Dealing damage fills charge meter. Secondary fire when charged grants mini-crits for 8 seconds. -20% clip size -25% slower firing speed No random critical hits Jarate (Old) Coated enemies take mini-crits Can be used to extinguish fires Extinguishing teammates reduces cooldown by -20% The Razorback (Old) Blocks a single backstab attempt -100% maximum overheal on wearer Darwin's Danger Shield (Old) +50% fire damage resistance on wearer Immune to the effects of afterburn. The Cozy Camper (Old) +4 health regenerated per second on wearer No flinching when aiming and fully charged Knockback reduced by 20% when aiming Kukri (Old) The Tribalman's Shiv (Old) On Hit: Bleed for 6 seconds -50% damage penalty The Bushwacka (Old) When weapon is active: Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit No random critical hits 20% damage vulnerability on wearer The Shahanshah (Old) +25% increase in damage when health <50% of max -25% decrease in damage when health >50% of max Revolver (Old) The Ambassador (Old) Crits on headshot -15% damage penalty 20% slower firing speed No random critical hits Critical damage is affected by range L'Etranger (Old) +40% cloak duration +15 cloak on hit -20% damage penalty The Enforcer (Old) +20% damage bonus while disguised Attacks pierce damage resistance effects and bonuses 20% slower firing speed No random critical hits The Diamondback (Old) Gives one guaranteed critical hit for each building destroyed with your sapper attached or backstab kill -15% damage penalty No random critical hits Knife (Old)   Attack an enemy from behind to Backstab them for a one hit kill. Your Eternal Reward (Old) Upon a successful backstab against a human target, you rapidly disguise as your victim Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs +33% cloak drain rate Normal disguises require (and consume) a full cloak meter Conniver's Kunai (Old) On Backstab: Absorbs the health from your victim -55 max health on wearer   Start off with low health Kill somebody with this knife Steal all of their health The Big Earner (Old) +30% cloak on kill Gain a speed boost on kill -25 max health on wearer The Spy-cicle (Old) On Hit by Fire: Fireproof for 1 second and Afterburn immunity for 10 seconds Backstab turns victim to ice Melts in fire, regenerates in 15 seconds and by picking up ammo   It's the perfect gift for the man who has everything: an icicle driven into their back. Even rich people can't buy that in stores. Disguise Kit (Old) Invis Watch (Old) The Cloak and Dagger (Old) Cloak Type: Motion Sensitive Cloak drain rate based on movement speed. +100% cloak regen rate No cloak meter from ammo boxes when invisible -35% cloak meter from ammo boxes The Dead Ringer (Old) Cloak Type: Feign Death Leave a fake corpse on taking damage and temporarily gain invisibility, speed and damage resistance +50% cloak regen rate +40% cloak duration -50% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated Sapper (Old)   Place on enemy buildings to disable and slowly drain away its health. Placing a sapper does not remove your disguise. The Red-Tape Recorder (Old) Reverses enemy building construction -100% sapper damage penalty The Baby Face's Blaster mm mm mm mm The Powerjack mm mm mm mm Scattergun mm mm mm mm Pistol mm mm mm mm Bat mm mm mm mm Rocket Launcher mm mm mm mm Shotgun mm mm mm mm Shovel mm mm mm mm The Force-A-Nature mm mm mm mm The Shortstop mm mm mm mm The Soda Popper mm mm mm mm The Back Scatter mm mm mm mm The Winger mm mm mm mm Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol mm mm mm mm The Flying Guillotine mm mm mm mm Bonk! Atomic Punch mm mm mm mm Crit-A-Cola mm mm mm mm Mad Milk mm mm mm mm The Sandman mm mm mm mm The Candy Cane mm mm mm mm The Boston Basher mm mm mm mm The Sun-On-A-Stick mm mm mm mm The Fan O'War mm mm mm mm The Atomizer mm mm mm mm The Wrap Assassin mm mm mm mm The Direct Hit mm mm mm mm The Black Box mm mm mm mm The Rocket Jumper mm mm mm mm The Liberty Launcher mm mm mm mm The Cow Mangler 5000 mm mm mm mm The Beggar's Bazooka mm mm mm mm The Air Strike mm mm mm mm The Reserve Shooter mm mm mm mm The Panic Attack mm mm mm mm The Righteous Bison mm mm mm mm The Buff Banner mm mm mm mm The Battalion's Backup mm mm mm mm The Concheror mm mm mm mm B.A.S.E. Jumper mm mm mm mm The Gunboats mm mm mm mm The Mantreads mm mm mm mm The Equalizer mm mm mm mm The Pain Train mm mm mm mm The Half-Zatoichi mm mm mm mm The Disciplinary Action mm mm mm mm The Market Gardener mm mm mm mm The Escape Plan mm mm mm mm Flamethrower mm mm mm mm The Backburner mm mm mm mm The Degreaser mm mm mm mm The Phlogistinator mm mm mm mm The Dragon's Fury mm mm mm mm The Flare Gun mm mm mm mm The Scorch Shot mm mm mm mm Detonator mm mm mm mm The Manmelter mm mm mm mm The Thermal Thruster mm mm mm mm The Gas Passer mm mm mm mm Fire Axe mm mm mm mm The Axtinguisher mm mm mm mm The Homewrecker mm mm mm mm The Back Scratcher mm mm mm mm The Sharpened Volcano Fragment mm mm mm mm The Third Degree mm mm mm mm The Neon Annihilator mm mm mm mm The Hot Hand mm mm mm mm Grenade Launcher mm mm mm mm The Iron Bomber mm mm mm mm The Loch-n-Load mm mm mm mm The Loose Cannon mm mm mm mm The Bootlegger mm mm mm mm Stickybomb Launcher mm mm mm mm The Scottish Resistance mm mm mm mm The Quickiebomb Launcher mm mm mm mm The Sticky Jumper mm mm mm mm The Chargin' Targe mm mm mm mm The Splendid Screen mm mm mm mm The Tide Turner mm mm mm mm Bottle mm mm mm mm The Ullapool Caber mm mm mm mm The Eyelander mm mm mm mm The Scotsman's Skullcutter mm mm mm mm The Claidheamh Mòr mm mm mm mm The Persian Persuader mm mm mm mm Minigun mm mm mm mm The Natascha mm mm mm mm The Brass Beast mm mm mm mm Tomislav mm mm mm mm The Huo-Long Heater mm mm mm mm The Family Business mm mm mm mm The Sandvich mm mm mm mm The Dalokohs Bar mm mm mm mm The Buffalo Steak Sandvich mm mm mm mm The Second Banana mm mm mm mm Fists mm mm mm mm The Killing Gloves of Boxing mm mm mm mm Gloves of Running Urgently mm mm mm mm The Warrior's Spirit mm mm mm mm The Fists of Steel mm mm mm mm The Eviction Notice mm mm mm mm The Holiday Punch mm mm mm mm Frontier Justice mm mm mm mm The Widowmaker mm mm mm mm The Pomson 6000 mm mm mm mm The Rescue Ranger mm mm mm mm The Wrangler mm mm mm mm Short Circuit mm mm mm mm Wrench mm mm mm mm The Gunslinger mm mm mm mm The Southern Hospitality mm mm mm mm The Jag mm mm mm mm The Eureka Effect mm mm mm mm PDA mm mm mm mm Syringe Gun mm mm mm mm The Blutsauger mm mm mm mm Crusader's Crossbow mm mm mm mm The Overdose mm mm mm mm Medi Gun mm mm mm mm The Kritzkrieg mm mm mm mm The Quick-Fix mm mm mm mm The Vaccinator mm mm mm mm Bonesaw mm mm mm mm The Ubersaw mm mm mm mm The Vita-Saw mm mm mm mm The Amputator mm mm mm mm The Solemn Vow mm mm mm mm Sniper Rifle mm mm mm mm The Huntsman mm mm mm mm The Sydney Sleeper mm mm mm mm The Bazaar Bargain mm mm mm mm The Machina mm mm mm mm The Hitman's Heatmaker mm mm mm mm The Classic mm mm mm mm SMG mm mm mm mm The Cleaner's Carbine mm mm mm mm Jarate mm mm mm mm The Razorback mm mm mm mm Darwin's Danger Shield mm mm mm mm The Cozy Camper mm mm mm mm Kukri mm mm mm mm The Tribalman's Shiv mm mm mm mm The Bushwacka mm mm mm mm The Shahanshah mm mm mm mm Revolver mm mm mm mm The Ambassador mm mm mm mm L'Etranger mm mm mm mm The Enforcer mm mm mm mm The Diamondback mm mm mm mm Knife mm mm mm mm Your Eternal Reward mm mm mm mm Conniver's Kunai mm mm mm mm The Big Earner mm mm mm mm The Spy-cicle mm mm mm mm Disguise Kit mm mm mm mm Invis Watch mm mm mm mm The Cloak and Dagger mm mm mm mm The Dead Ringer mm mm mm mm Sapper mm mm mm mm The Red-Tape Recorder mm mm mm mm This change makes the weapon more reliable. You are no longer gimped when taking damage, which is unavoidable against good players. Scouts that can deal consistent damage with any of their weapons will see the most use out of this weapon, at the cost of a smaller clip. Faster deploy speed will help in securing clutch kills for aggressive playstyles. With all the utility from other unlocks for Soldier, this one falls behind. The increased swing speed increases this weapon’s DPS. The reduced self-blast damage gives it some new utility as a mini version of The Gunboats. The increased push force has been removed. Faster reload speed was added to allow this weapon to compete with the other primaries in terms of DPS. This is objectively the best primary for Scout in the hands of a skilled player. It has the highest DPS and greatest mobility at full hype. The nerfed reload time lowers its DPS potential, allowing the other primaries to compete with it. The Back Scatter is easy to counter and overall worse than Stock due to its reduced accuracy. By removing this downside, it now behaves the same as Stock, and rewards Scouts with good positioning at the cost of clip size. The main strength relies on a factor you can't control, which is where the enemy is looking. With the faster firing speed, it had a higher initial DPS than the stock pistol, AND it heals. The damage has been reduced and its faster firing speed removed, to compensate for being able to heal. The health gain has been increased at close range to keep it a viable healing option. Being able to do high and consistent damage from long range as scout for minimal effort and risk is too strong. The recharge time has been lowered to reduce spam. To compensate for this, skilled Scouts will now be rewarded with minicrits against jumpers, to give the weapon an alternative niche. The slow effect made little to no difference as the Scout could negate it by simply spamming A and D keys. The Marked for Death penalty will be a more impactful downside. Mad milk remained incredibly powerful with its insane healing potential and large area of effect. The healing has been lowered to match that of the concheror banner for Soldier, thus making it no longer OP. The reduced splash radius prevents it from coating entire teams and requires more accuracy from the user. To remove health off an already squishy class for a hardly usable projectile is not that great. Instead, the damage of the bat has gone down (it is made of wood after all) and we have increased the ball damage. This gives Scout a ranged burst damage weapon with a similar trade off to the Wrap Assassin. Skilled Scouts will now be rewarded with minicrits against jumpers. The vanilla Candy Cane is unusable unless the enemy team has no explosives; then it becomes a straight upgrade. This change keeps Scout frail when using the Candy Cane, but he won't instantly disintegrate to rockets or grenades. The Sun on a Stick is good for tanking fire damage, but its crit damage vs burning players is not very high and is too niche. The damage penalty now only applies to non-burning players, allowing Scout to do insanely high damage when cooperating with a friendly Pyro. This makes Sun on a Stick the highest damage dealing melee in Scout’s arsenal. This weapon is very risky to use, requiring Scout's to get into melee range to get the effect off. With this change you'll only spend a fraction of a second deploying it, getting the hit off, and putting it away. Now that the debuff is easier to apply, we reduced the overall time of the Mark for Death from 15 seconds to 10, as compensation. The Atomizer doesn't get much use, the previous iteration where you could double jump whenever you were in the process of equipping it made it too strong. However since the buffs of other bats in this mod, this weapon is falling behind, removing the slower deploy time will make it more viable in a fight, rather than just for pre-fight transportation The original damage reduction is so severe that you will have done less than 4 rockets' worth of damage after firing 5 rockets. This slight increase in damage will ensure you will get slightly more kills and less of enemies surviving with 2-3 HP. This weapon is really good at countering airborne targets. To highlight how this should be its main use, it has been given a damage penalty against grounded targets. It will now deal reduced mini crits against opponents actively being pushed back by airblast, making the weapon more viable on Pyro. With the Panic Attack you can negate the downside of less accurate by just switching weapons and keep firing at the same firing speed, therefore in the spirit of removal of holster penalties, this was removed The vanilla Bison is both bad and inconsistent. It has a slow projectile and a tick rate that makes certain classes get hit by the same projectile twice depending on which way it was fired from. The tick rate has been reduced so this doesn't happen, but it will still penetrate. The faster projectile speed, increased damage, and faster deploy speed were all added to make it a legitimate threat, especially at mid-long range. It's still not where I'd want it to be compared to the other backpacks, but more ammo capacity and build rate is at least something. The most recent nerf made this item nearly useless, but its previous version was OP. These changes will (hopefully) be a middle ground, giving Soldiers some new mobility strategies/tech. With the changes to how it works with a shield, it should be more viable for Demoknights too, for an aggressive hyper mobile playstyle. The increase in turn speed should make this weapon more viable, as you don't feel like a flying rock in it. Being one of the least used boot for Soldiers and competing with shotguns, the increased air control and push force resistance is not enough. The faster move speed allows for easier pushes as it stacks with the push force reduction, longer rocket jumps, and better positioning overall. Extra damage was added to stomps to make them more lethal, especially on light classes. The hardly used Equalizer will now pack quite the punch when on half-low health, rather than just at low health. This change removes its hidden stat of reduced damage when at full health. This also increases the weapon’s readability, since everyone will now know exactly how much damage you can deal; rather than having to solve the complex math equation that the vanilla upside uses. The Pain Train serves no purpose on ctf maps or on attack defend maps while on defense. This self-hurt mechanic can be used to extend rocket/sticky jumps, adding new mobility tech. Slower holstering penalty could be negated by switching through other weapon slots quickly, so it has been removed from all weapons with slower holstering penalty. Free speed boost on yourself and teammate at the cost of nothing is too strong. You can now lose up to 150 maxhealth while it's active. When the speed boost end the maxhealth penalty is removed. This makes the soldier weaker in the moment it's used, but overall doesn't change the effectiveness of the weapon. This change is to keep it consistent with the Reserve Shooter; less damage when not used for its intended purpose. The vanilla Escape Plan could be used to both escape and deal decent amounts of damage. The -25% less damage done is to ensure it is only used for its intended purpose. The Mark for Death downside now lingers for 2 additional seconds, making it more punishing if deployed at the wrong time. This was added to prevent Soldiers from spam deploying the weapon whenever they are in any sort of danger; an effective strategy that has very few downsides. The flame particles were changed to make it visually different from the other flamethrowers. This deploy speed change should make it less jank with the bugged holstering times in TF2. Since afterburn is hardly impactful against better players, a straight damage penalty was added to give the weapon a true downside. This compensates for the new global switch speed buff. WM1ing with this weapon will no longer be viable, and will lose to all other flamethrowers, in exchange for improved combo potential. This has been one of the most difficult weapons for us to balance. When you have Phlog crits and a Medic backing you up, this weapon is borderline overpowered. When you don’t have a Medic helping you, and especially when you don’t have the crits, this becomes the worst Pyro primary. Reduced damage vs buildings has been added to keep it consistent with the other Grodbord weapons, as well as to make it less overpowered at its peak strength. We are still looking for ways to make it more viable whenever Pyro doesn't have crits. So far improving its combo potential with other weapons like the Manmelter and Hot Hand has helped. In Vanilla TF2, this weapon offers less effective DPS than if you ran perma-shotgun on pyro. Giving it normal afterburn duration makes it easier to land the second shot (the fire now has 2 ticks instead of 1), especially on targets being healed. Removing the crippling penalty of slower airblast also increases its viability. However, you still can't airblast until firing is complete, so the overall airblast output is less than a regular flamethrower. Reduction in airblast pushforce vs enemies was also added to compensate for its now insanely high damage potential. This weapon is notoriously easy to use and annoying to play against. Its explosion radius has been reduced, requiring more aim skill from the Pyro user, as well as making it easier for opponents to move out of the way of the second shot. It now also has an afterburn damage penalty, reducing its effectiveness as a spam weapon. These changes relegate it to a role similar to the Loose Cannon for Demoman. With the introduction of the Thermal Thruster, this weapon gets outcompeted as a mobility tool for Pyro. This is mainly due to the high self-damage penalty, making it difficult to use while in combat, especially after taking damage. Lowering this penalty allows the Pyro to do more jumps more often. This weapon needs something extra to compete with the rest of Pyro's arsenal. It is reliant on the enemy team to have a Pyro to be worth running and is clunky to use. Its new damage buff allows it to deal the highest initial damage of any flare gun, making it a great long range burst damage option for Pyro. A slight afterburn duration penalty was added to compensate. Vanilla TF2 Thermal Thruster is really clunky and weird to use, and requires a lot of planning effectively making you unable to do reactive plays to the enemy. With the removed pushforce and holstering penalty, you can now use it as a gap closer and get more effective Pyro plays out of it. The official gas passer has some glitches that has been fixed. The 45 aoe damage it does will make this weapon more viable and not just utter trash With the utility of all the other unlocks for Pyro, the Fire Axe needed a buff, rather than nerf all the other items. The faster swing speed makes Pyro's baseline for melee the highest DPS. And doesn't require fire to do well. The slower holster penalty could be avoided by switching weapons quickly, so it's been removed. With the now other powerful tools for Pyro, this needed to be able to pack a similar punch. The damage penalty has been removed as the fire axe has gotten a fire rate increase. Enough to reliably oneshot 125 health classes, even from a small puff of fire. This damage buff is also due to the sharpened volcano fragments new fuction. This weapon is very limited in terms of use. If the enemy has no Spies or buildings, there's no reason to bring this weapon. Push force reduction and bullet resistance was added, allowing the Pyro to push through chokes and sentry nests more easily. Resistance piercing was added to make it more effective at destroying wrangled sentries. Compared to the other melee unlocks for Pyro, this weapon doesn't do what it's supposed to do well enough. Gaining partial overheal while active (up to 219 overheal when capped) allows Pyro to buff himself before an engagement. The damage boost allows Pyro to two shot 175HP classes, making its damage more viable. Arguably the worst Vanilla TF2 melee for the Pyro. This total rework makes it a nuke on a stick. It now feels powerful and fun to use. With the right positioning and consecutive hits, this is in theory the 'best' melee unlock in terms of overall damage vs groups of players. However, a puff and sting will not kill a light class, preventing it from treading on the Axtinguisher's role as a single target damage melee. In vanilla TF2, this weapon is very niche, and relies on random crits to be viable. Since random crits are not enabled in balance mod servers, we have given it a damage buff in the form of mini crits vs medibeam connected targets. With this weapon's theme focusing on healbeams, we also added faster heals from healbeams (Medics and Dispensers) while active. This allows Pyro to heal up incredibly quickly, meaning he can be involved in fights more often. The damage vulnerability prevents Pyro from using this to tank damage mid fight. Similar to the Homewrecker, this weapon is very niche. Now it will give crits on kill, making it a combo tool for the Pyro. Enemies used to not be wet when covered in gas, but that has been fixed. Do note that gas is removed once they start burning. With the speed boost on slap being so miniscule and hard to obtain, it made sense to buff its duration and make it work when hitting teammates. Since you are now slapping teammates, and it is a fire proof glove, it also makes sense to let it extinguish. This makes the Hot Hand a great engagement and support tool, especially when paired with the Phlog. Note that the speed boost only applies to Pyro. The Iron bomber is considered a straight upgrade to stock, with stock only being better in a few other small situations, while not gimping the damage on doing accurate hits with it, the damage you do on the edge of the explosion has been reduce to compensate with the area control not having rolling bombs provides Switching out a Grenade Launcher for shoes that gave very little for the Stickybomb Launcher is not that great. Now the shoes buff both shield and Stickybomb users alike. Compared to stock, you just never seem to have enough bombs ready with the Resistance. Some reload speed was added to lessen the downtime with the weapon since it won't be used offensively as often. For consistency, if it does less damage to enemies, it should also do less damage to yourself. An oversight from Valve that's been fixed here. A shield replacing the Stickybomb Launcher is next to impossible to balance, as shields are some of the worst weapons comparatively. Some sentry resistance was added due to Demos now being less effective against buildings and compensated with less fire resist as pyro's should be a weak matchup for demoman running shields. A little sentry resistance to make Demoman not as gimped against sentries without a Stickybomb Launcher, but less resistance than the Chargin' Targe for consistency. While being the easiest to turn and control for sick trimps or whatever, giving this a slight buff is also fitting given the other shields got buffs as well. The Vanilla TF2 Caber leaves much to be desired. It now more easily one-shots 125 HP classes at the cost of more self damage and less shield bash damage when using this while charging. With all the changes to shields and shoes, Eyelander ended up being the superior Demoknight choice with how it scaled. With the reduction in health and no longer healing on kill, it now gives more room for other swords to be viable depending on your playstyle. While doing decent damage, the slower move speed made it really hard to hit melee hits in conjunction with the slower deploy speed. Lowering the move speed penalty helps mitigate this. Slower holstering penalty could be negated by switching through other weapon slots quickly, so it has been removed from all weapons with slower holstering penalty. The theme of this weapon is mobility, which is why it has a 25% increase in self push force. Now you can combine this weapon with grenade launchers, as the theme of the weapon is on enemy hit sustain. Whether it be shield recharge or faster reload, it now does something regardless of loadout. Slow-on-hit isn't fun to play against, so it's been inverted and now we speed up, opening a whole new world of unrev jump-techs to do as Heavy. Despite still being the weakest of the Miniguns, it offers the most different playstyle. The Vanilla TF2 Brass beast movement speed is so slow that you take a lot of additional splash damage, even so much it negates the resistance you have below half health. By increasing the movespeed you can now dodge a bit easierly and won't need the resistance anymore. The removal of the damage resist is due to that you can't tell easily if a heavy is at half health or not, since the heavy now moves faster and has faster spin up time, it's been removed. Since you can use movement to negate taking the full damage you normally would with the official weapon. Adding the crit resistance does make overheled brass beast heavies able to tank a fully charged headshot from all rifles except machina. The tomislav is in many cases better than the stock, as it is silent and has faster rev time, however due to a rounding error with how firing speed works with the minigun, it actually has -15% firing speed instead of -20%. This is corrected and a small accuracy bonus is given to help mitigate the damage nerf. In Vanilla TF2, it doesn't offer enough visual confirmation of hitting players that're on fire. It also doesn't pack enough punch to warrant only 13 seconds of effective firing time. The increased damage to the flame rings makes it really scary to be close to a revved up Huo-Long Heater Heavy. The damage is offset to be similar to the original Huo-Long heater, only with slight increased damage to on-fire targets that're far away due to how fall-off works with mini-crits. Being the second-weakest lunchbox item in Vanilla TF2, the increased eating speed allows the Heavy to eat it with less planning before combat, increasing its overall viability. Being the weakest of all the lunchbox items for the Heavy. With the new ability it has to cancel and faster eating speed, it should give the heavy more opportunities to use this to great effect. The rest of the unlocks for Heavy offers a lot of utility, and not much use for the stock Fists, which is why they are getting this buff. The buff is to help switch speed between main and secondary. Works well in situations where you don't use your melee much or at all. With all the other unlocks that has gotten buffs and do more things, the KGB is falling a bit short, primarly since we don't have random crits, thus this weapon has gotten a slight buff to make up for the lack of random crits in terms of usefulness In Vanilla TF2, the gloves did as much damage as the Fists. Reducing firing speed ensures this weapon is used as a movement tool and not emergency punching tool. The Vanilla TF2 version of these 'glass cannon' unlocks for the heavy doesn't really suit the class that well. It's now just more damage, with slower deploy time. In Vanilla TF2 the Fists of Steel are bugged and OP. Reducing the damage and healing taken now fixes the overheal issue, as well as the weapon being used for anything other than tanking. With the deploy speed bonus combined with faster weapon switch speed combined with the now faster health regeneration while not active, it should make this weapon better and different compared to it's GRU counterpart. Making it better in close range movement scenarios Without random crits, this weapon is not worth using compared to Heavy's other current options. Now there's a small niche against Uber pushes using the Gunslinger punch combo. Drain of Über and Cloak is not acceptable as those classes rely heavily upon that. Similar to the Bison, the slow projectile is hard to hit. The increased projectile speed will allow Pomson enthusiasts to actually get kills off this weapon now instead of mildly annoying the enemy. The change to make it penetrate will make it feel better when it's not being removed by teammates standing in the way. Every competitive player would never ever shut up about how broken and boring this thing was to play against. The 50% reduction greatly changes interactions with Soldier and Demoman destroying wrangled sentries. The payload cart's infinite metal supply almost cancels out the metal cost of the Short Circuit and was too frustrating to deal with. The metal gain has been toned down to an acceptable level to reduce abuse. With all the other options available in the engineers toolkit, the wrench simply doesn't have an edge over any of the other unlock options. The increased metal capacity will give it something the other wrenches don't have, making it the best basic wrench I'm still not sure what this weapons place is, so we're testing longer dispenser range for now. If you have any good ideas for what we can do with this wrench, let me know. We're looking for proper ways it can support the team somehow. The Jag is arguably just the stock wrench but better in Vanilla. We've nerfed it to not outshine the stock wrench, as you cannot repair high damage as well as before. Not being able to refill metal when teleporting back to spawn and having to use other methods is clunky. Now when you teleport back to spawn you get your ammo back, so we've eliminated a redundant step similar to the holstering penalites on other weapons. This weapon will flow more naturally in the game for you Engineers. If you play Engineer and you don't have the Eureka Effect to halve your teleporter cost, you are playing at a severe disadvantage. The Engi-Pads are added to give Engineer an alternative to teleporters in situations where they are not commonly used. Situations like last holds on defense and first points on attack. In Vanila TF2 the medic unlock choices have been locked to ubers-saw and crossbow. With passive reload added, and uber gained damage dealt, this becomes a ranged ubersaw of sorts. With the changes to the vita-saw you can effectively switch the two slots and play a new style of medic. This now allows you to build some uber in situations where you previously did nothing and were passive. Incorrect usage of this weapon will be a detriment to your team, similar to incorrect usage of the ubersaw. In Vanilla TF2, this weapon is trash. It makes you die to everything faster, since you'll primarly be using the Medi Gun. Now it's been given the same survival power as the Overdose, but focuses on shooting enemies for health and overheal, or teammates for reduced health (useful when in a pinch and no health packs are around). It now helps the Medic survive in a sense that is as powerful as the Crossbow's ability to heal teammates. Balancing Medic’s other primaries around being as good as the crossbow has a been point of contention in the BMod. Bringing down the power of the Crossbow allows less overtuning of other weapons to make them worthwhile options. It's hard to nerf this weapon without it feeling oppressive for everyone who is used to how it normally function. While being a decent escape tool when you have uber, with the buffs of the other syringes, this one needed a little tweak, so now if you spawn by yourself you can use this to run to the fight faster. The faster holster speed will combo well with the Vita-saw People kept using it wrong, but it seems the math on ubercharge rate, healing and overheal isn't properly balanced for this weapon to be viable. Vaccinator is proven to be too easy to defend with. Reducing the max charges from 4 to 2 allows the enemy to play around the resistances easier. The buff to overhealing speed done is to compensate for the loss of 2 charges. With all the other unlocks for the Medic's melee slot, this one falls behind. This current design is the damage melee. The added bleed should help track down careless Spies and the health for survival. The Vanilla TF2 Vita-Saw is designed where your plan is to die. From a game design perspective, your plan should never be to die. This re-design opens up a world of new viable unlock combinations for the Medic. If you use the Crossbow at melee range (and sometimes miss because of course you do) then this weapon will now achieve that without issue. With the buffs to all the other melee unlocks for Medic, this one needed a little something too. Similar to the Amputator, this weapon needed something to differentiate itself. After removing the ability to see enemy health, it has been reworked into a 'get off me' and retreat tool. A small speed boost to run away and catch up to teammates and deals more knockback when hitting enemies. Sniper Rifle is a very powerful weapon with little counterplay on the highest level of play. The ammo reduction will lower the Sniper's effective time in battle, the tracers will make the sniper be less invisible in chaotic battles The Vanilla TF2 Sydney Sleeper is the only Sniper Rifle that doesn't reward you enough for headshotting. While feeling similar to the official one, this one now rewards headshots with more damage. The reduced charge speed is to make sure it doesn't kill 300 HP targets on headshot that much faster than stock. The sniper rifles are very powerful weapons with very little counterplay at the highest level of play. The ammo reduction will lower the snipers effective time in battle. Removing the bodyshot damage bonus will get people to stop complaining that this weapon is no skill. Supplementing that for more headshot damage at 50% or more charge and building damage balances this out. This weapon is now the only sniper rifle that doesn't have tracers, making it more fitting with it's style of 'silent' type. The ammo reduction will lower the snipers effective time in battle. The Vanilla TF2 Classic can be summed up like this: 'Always less damage or the same'. Being a very different Sniper Rifle, that offered very little practical use, removing the bodyshot damage now makes it viable for those prefering the sort of charge while unscoped Sniper style. Having gone from OP to trash in Vanilla TF2 and following the same principle as the Tomislav, it's now more accurate while shooting slower. The less ammo is to make sure you have a perfect 4 clip shoot-reload. The faster firing speed buff is to make it less ass. Being arguably the best sniper secondary. A nerf is in it's place, it starting empty and having to recharge before use in addition to not resupplying on resupply cabinet will prevent any form of spawn spam with it. The less duration and the fact you can piss yourself allows for counterplay against the sniper, as well as more precicion required from the sniper to do well with this weapon In Vanilla TF2, this weapon is utter ass. It elimates 1/27 different ways you can be killed in the game. The Vanilla TF2 Darwin Danger Shield does nothing if the enemy team doesn't have a Pyro. The fire-resistance has been swapped with 15 more max health, increasing overall survivability and not just specifically against pyros. Being the better choice for perma-Jarate Snipers, it was due for a nerf. Now dealing less damage and taking longer to deploy, this gives the opponents a larger window to counter the Sniper switching to Bushwacka. Hardly any difference with this weapon with the small damage increase and decrease. The Enforcer is a very unused gun for the Spy, being only situationally useful; against Fists of Steel Heavies, Wrangled Sentries, Vaccinator shields, Battalion's Backup charges and cloaked Spies. With this change it helps spy being sneaky and adds a litle extra punch to the first shot after disguise. The Diamondback has always been hated to the point of players refusing to use it due to how much of a damage reward you get for just doing spy things. Now that it has crit damange fall-off it offers a much smaller advantage that should add up for the slightly increased damage penalty. This knife forces you to act out your disguise (Spy sprint helps with this), however the cloak drain was a huge factor making this weapon need the L'Etranger to counteract it. To compensate, it now takes longer to cloak making it easier for enemies to spot you before you vanish. With the increased in cloak and move speed bonus, this makes this weapon more viable in comparrison to the kunai. In Vanilla TF2 the Spy-cicle is a 'get out of fire' free card. Now it serves as a self-extinguish only, so don't get caught on fire as Spy. The Spy-cicle isn't a crutch anymore. Being able to run at Spy speed regardless of disguise opens a whole new level of deception and usefulness for the slower and less used disguises. Spy is the hardest class to play against a competent team. The cloaking speed increase will help Spy get more clutch kills in clutch scenarios. The slight increase in jump height allows you to get past more chokey areas with out completely having to rely on the the dead ringer. Spy is the hardest class to play against a competent team. The cloaking speed increase will help Spy get more clutch kills in clutch scenarios. The slight increase in jump height allows you to get past more chokey areas with out completely having to rely on the the dead ringer. Decloak time hass been slightly reduced so you can now stab as soon as the sound is over, allowing the Spy to get more kills. Deconstructing buildings is buggy and gives a lot of value compared to effort put in by the Spy. The item has been reworked into being a throwable sapper. Thrown sapper simulates a Cow Mangler stun, and can be useful in well protected sentry nests guarded by Pyros. You can still place the sapper, but it's very weak.